Why a Radio Jockey? What are the Career Opportunities?

3 min readDec 26, 2020


Radio Jockeying more often than not is an enthralling job, as one gets to entertain and interact with an audience, generally large. Although, not as popular as TV, radio has its own set followers. One also gets to meet and interview a wide range of celebrities in a studio, one gets to compile one’s own playlist of songs for his audience too!

Well, the success of a Radio artist depends highly on how talented one is. Though, a fun job where the presenter is paid and appreciated for his/her style of talking. The style of the presentation depends on factors such as selecting the right kind of music, scriptwriting the show, the final presentation and the presenter’s voice.

Make sure you have a microphone friendly voice. One must use the microphone effectively to project the voice.

To know about the various tricks to improve the voice quality, tap on to https://kritneeet.medium.com/what-can-i-do-to-get-a-voice-without-any-pimples-for-radio-45debcd9b5eb

An RJ can not afford to lose calm or get nervy. The most important thing which an RJ has to learn is how to tackle a mistake on air. One shall maintain a balance, one needs to stay relaxed and alert at the same moment. The best way out of a mistake is to admit it to the listener, or else cover it up.


“Its all about maintaining a balance. Be relaxed, not laid-back. Be informal to the right degree. Be pleasant but not end sounding fake” advises the radio legend Ameen Sayani.

A radio jockey’s career requires enthusiasm, creativity of the mind, rationality, strong sense of humour, engaging, outstanding communication skills and must own a live appealing voice. An exciting, promising and challenging choice of career with a tinge of glamour, it is all that a young artist aspires. One of the very careers where one is recognised by one’s own voice.

To cultivate the flare for radio jockeying, one needs the exposure that begins with listening to various other announcers and the constant practice of voice modulations.

  • To be a radio jockey, the most basic task is to audition for the job. All India Radio holds auditions every three months in various cities, especially in metropolitan cities of the country.
  • There are numerous FM channels and private radio ventures offering job opportunities.
  • Radio Jockeys can compere or anchor television shoes, live shows or events.
  • Radio Jockeys can do voice-overs for television and radio advertisements.
  • They can lend their voice to various audio magazines and documentaries.

There is a list of the types of radio jockeys & their job profiles, which one can choose from depending on their closest interests.

  • FM/AM RJ

The radio jockeys at public or private radio stations play music or talk to the listeners. Many a time do both: play music and talk. An important skill one shall prowess is communication skills, only then can one indulge in interactions with the audience.

  • Radio Talk Jockeys

Specialising in talks over the radio, this type only talks the entire time of the period of the show. Discussions on various political and social issues, they also encourage audience interactions through participation.

  • Sports Talk Radio Jockeys

A directional focus on Sports news, these radio jockeys, generally, are former athletes, a TV anchor or a sportswriter. This is because it brings a piece of in-depth knowledge about the particular sport in discussion. Sports entail enthusiasm, and that is what keeps the listeners hooked, hence encouraging audience interactions and engagement.

Choose your beat, hone your skills. There is nothing that can stop you from hitting the nail on the head, in this case, get the microphone for your voice.

Hope this piece helps in every possible way it can.

Leave a comment below and tell us what way have you figured out to start your radio career.

