How to Nourish the Radio Voice?

3 min readDec 20, 2020


Voice is God gifted. Though, it can be trained, this is also a fact.

Here a some tips to improve voice which enables to have more base, uncharted, rhythmic voice and have some control over throat to produce variation and modulation in voice as and when necessary.

  • Riyaaz’ in the morning. It means practice, take one meter, such as Saa from ‘Sa Re Ga Ma’, and then take a deep breath from your mouth, not nose, and start reciting “Saa” with full base till you quality breath comes to a decline level and then stop. Remember to to inhale from. mouth, fully and it should go on till the ned of your breath in a continuous pitch, without any voice modulations, variation or breaks. This will not only help you in having a good base but also increase your voicing stamina, smoothness and resonance. Similarly, you can speak ‘OM’, close your lips as you stretch the ‘m’, and take the stretch as long as you can.
  • The Diaphragm exercise. The diaphragm in the human body acts as a valve and sends air up to the vocal apparatus in a small stream. If one gets a control over the diaphragm, then more words can be uttered in a singlle breath. For this exercise, you need to sit on a chair or on floor with an erect spine.Open your mouth and inhale lots of air into your diaphragm cavity, i.e. almost your stomach area. If your stomach is bulging, that means your cavity is full of air. Now, release some air in small streams making the shh sound. Empty the diaphragm as you release the air. Keep in mind to use your stomach power, speak from your stomach. This exercise benefits the control over breathing and increases vocal stamina.
  • The lion asana or the Singasana is a yoga exercise to benefit your voice quality. To exercise this, sit in Vajrasana. Now raise your buttock a little and cross the heel and toes of the right leg over the left leg. Sit on your heels, place your palms on the respective knees, and spread out your fingers. Bring out the tongue as much as you can, the gaze should be nasal. Inhale from mouth and exhale slight forcefully from you mouth with some sound.While returning back to the original position, take the tongue in, release the tension, loosen your hands and repeat. By practicing this, muscles of the neck are exercised and the blood circulation therein is improved. The thyroid is also made healthy.

Yoga plays an important role in keeping the voice strong and healthy.

  • A hack to practice is an unknown secret shared by a prestigious voice artiste is to speak ‘om’ or simple ‘aaah’ in an earthen pot or ‘mutka’. The echo helps. You can even practice your scripts like this before appearing for an audition.
  • Last and the most essential is to change the eating habbits. Stay clear of all things cold. Brush your teeth, simply gargle with lukewarm water before you go to bed.

Small changes bring a huge difference.

Try it and do leave a comment if any of these tips helped you in any way.

